1st Annual Dinner and Auction Gala
July 29, 2024Back to School Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father
Please put a hand of protection this school year on all the children, teachers, and staff.
Watch over, protect them, love them.
We thank you God, for all you do.
Make sure to get your tickets to DMA’s 1st Annual Dinner Gala on October 11th.
For more information, please check our Facebook page.
- Detroit Lions Game 8/24 @ 1p.m
- No school 8/30
- No School 9/2, 9/3
- Students return 9/4
- Prayer in the park St. Valentines
- 9/11
- St. Genevie Parish Picnic 9/15
Science With Ms. Sherry
Tin Science this year, we will be studying and experimenting with Energy in Q1. Energy is the power or ability to make something work or be active. This week we focused on invisible wind power. We learned that energy can be obtained by harnessing the power of wind by using a fan. To prove that the wind is providing energy, we made a windsock from a grocery store bag or a plate shaker with colorful surveyor’s tape, and then we held them and saw them move from the wind the fan provided. Our oldest students also did an experiment after they made a hypothesis on which of 5 objects would move first, once we turned on the fan.
We compared our experimental results with our hypothesis. We had a lot of smiles upon completion of our classes and this was a great start to our science studies for this year!